Dredging & Dewatering

Experience Brass Inc. Dredging & Dewatering

Dredging & Dewatering

Providing leading technology in the management of stormwater ponds, process ponds and lagoons. Brass Inc. provides guidance in the inspection and maintenance of ponds for returning ponds to their original design capacity. By doing this, facility owners and operators can maintain the standards required by current legislation, regulations, guidelines and approval processes in Ontario.

Turnkey solutions with environmentally friendly results.

Our Applications

Sediment Evaluation

Facility Evaluations & ECA Reviews

Brass Inc will perform facility evaluations for clients based on their Dredging and Dewatering needs. An evaluation could include a detailed map of the dredging project site, a description of the nature of the material being disposed and a discussions of the proposed disposal alternatives.

Sediment Field Assessments

Sediment is the matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid. Brass will assess field locations for sediment. Sampling sediment happens in order to conduct a particle analysis and to test a range of nutrients and potential contaminants.

Sediment field assessments by Brass Inc.

Sediment Removal & Disposal

There are several methods for dredging material and they can be classified as mechanical dredging or hydraulic dredging. Land-based excavation equipment such as a dragline, shovel or trenching machine, and can be used from either land or water. Hydraulic dredges employ a pump to remove sediment.

Based on the quality of the sediment, Brass Inc will decide on the best sediment reuse if possible.

Contact us to experience the Brass standard for yourself